Choosing the Right Paint Booth

What You Need to Know to Make the Best Capital Equipment Investment

Investing in the right paint booth goes beyond safeguarding your facility, protecting the environment and complying with codes. It lays the foundation for high-quality paint jobs.

Overwhelmed about where to start? This FREE workbook will navigate you step by step, helping you increase throughput and maximize efficiency with the best booth for your business’ needs.

Download Guide

In this FREE guide, you will learn:


What to look for in a paint booth supplier


How to determine the best size for your paint booth


Why the space around the exterior of your paint booth is important


How the airflow style of your paint booth affects finish quality and contamination control, as well as capital costs and operational expenses


What you need to know about code compliance

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This FREE workbook will navigate you step by step, helping you decide the best booth for your business’ needs.

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