By selecting the right type of paint booth, streamlining processes with quick lanes and improving turnaround time with short wave electric infrared (IR) curing technology, collision repair for car dealerships has the potential to be profitable.
Using the right equipment eliminates having to constantly overhaul processes, allowing dealerships to be laser-focused on the bottom line and reap the financial benefits of capital investments.
Global Finishing Solutions is the leading manufacturer of paint booths and finishing systems for a wide variety of industries, including automotive body shops, aerospace finishing, and truck and large equipment finishing.
As a vertical manufacturer located in Osseo, Wisconsin, we design and build almost all of the components found in our paint booths and finishing equipment, including the lights, fans, motors, control panels, filters and the enclosures themselves in the U.S. However, our expertise doesn’t stop with our engineering and manufacturing capabilities — we are a full-service provider dedicated to providing the best equipment and service to set your business or shop up for success.