Category: Paint Booths

Performer Paint Booth

ā€œThe GFS Wave exhaust filters in our paint booth last a long timeā€

As Bobā€™s Machine Shop evolved into one of the countryā€™s premier manufacturers of jack plates for boats, their finishing equipment needed an upgrade. A new Performer ES Paint Booth from GFS with long-lasting GFS Wave exhaust filters has Steven Pelini confident in his companyā€™s future, thanks to increased production, shorter lead times and improved efficiency.


Ultra Booths Are Key Cogs in One-Stop Shop at Fix Auto Calgary

The aftermath of car accidents isĀ oftenĀ a confusing shuffleĀ betweenĀ a collision repair facility, your insurance company and a rental car center.Ā ItĀ can beĀ a lot of juggling, with a plethora of moving pieces. GurveerĀ RandevĀ is aiming to bringĀ stability with the customer at top of mind at three Fix Auto locations that he owns in Calgary, Alberta.


6 Cost Considerations for Aircraft Paint Booths

Aircraft paint booths are usually more expensive up front than paint hangars. However, the long-term benefits of aircraft paint booths far outweigh those of paint hangars, with lower operational costs and the foundation for higher-quality paint jobs. Discover six cost considerations to evaluate when investing in an aircraft paint booth.


Air Make-Up Unit Fuels Growth for Wisconsin Body Shop

Rather than invest in a second paint booth to reduce his backlog of vehicles waiting to be painted, Jordan Yule opted to add an Air Make-Up Unit (AMU) to heat his Perfomer ES Paint Booth from GFS. The addition of an AMU has opened the door to new profit opportunities for JY Collision Center in Fall Creek, Wisconsin.

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