Category: Information

powder coating products

Problem Solved ā€” Powder Coating Production Running Smooth with Two New, Large GFS Ovens

To achieve high-quality powder coating finishes, JAS Powder Coating reached out to Dietz Supply Company to supply new finishing equipment for both of their locations. In 2017, the Edgewater location was equipped with a new 40-foot-long pass-through oven and spray booth dust collectors, and in 2018, the Fort Lauderdale location was upgraded with a 34-foot-long Batch Process Oven.


Bright Ideas to Boost Your Paint Booth Lighting

With most of the focus on increasing throughput and upgrading to the latest technology, the importance of excellent paint booth lighting is often overshadowed. It should be a high priority ā€” as better visibility in your paint booth will help you produce a better finish.


How to Properly Enclose an Open Face Paint Booth

While curtains are more affordable than doors and may offer more flexibility for product entry, they do not provide the level of protection from contaminants that is needed for the best possible finish. In this post, we will examine the differences between curtains and filtered doors on an open front paint booth.


7 Ways to Make Your Repair Shop More Efficient

Over the years, there have been many aspects of paint booth technology that have evolved to reduce energy consumption and be more efficient, while also contributing to a more effective paint environment. Not only do these technologies reduce the environmental impact of operating a paint shop, but they also lead to a cleaner, brighter and more productive shop.


Corrosion-Controlled Paint Booths for C-17 & C-130 Aircraft

When considering a new corrosion control facility for C-17 and C-130 aircraft, it is helpful to understand new technologies available for paint booths that comply with the latest federal and local codes. Some of these technology and code advancements can provide operational cost savings throughout the life of the facility.

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