Cross Draft Paint Booths

GFS Cross Draft Paint Booths

The most cost-effective airflow style, cross draft paint booths offer reliable performance at an affordable price point. Since there is no pit to dig, cross draft booths are also easier to integrate into existing facilities. Air flows horizontally through a cross draft booth, starting at the front of the booth and flowing over the product or part and into a filter bank in the booth rear.

GFS Cross Draft Products

Large Equipment

GFS’ Large Equipment Paint Booths are designed for long-lasting performance and constructed of high-quality materials for unrivaled structural integrity.

Front of a GFS large equipment paint booth with the doors open

General Purpose

General Purpose Paint Booths are high-quality, cost-effective solutions for industrial manufacturers and businesses that need to paint medium-sized equipment, utility vehicles and trucks.

GFS General Purpose Paint Booth with crossdraft airflow

Bench Booth

Our smallest paint booths, Bench Booths allow businesses and hobbyists to paint small products in a safe, code-compliant environment.

GFS Dry Filter Bench Booth

Open Face Booth

Our most popular and affordable product line, Open Face Paint Booths provide a bright, safe and clean environment for your finishing operations.

GFS Dry Filter Open Face Paint booth

Enclosed Finishing Booth

With high-efficiency filtered intake doors, GFS Enclosed Finishing Booths provide a safe, cost-effective finishing environment for producing quality paint finishes.

GFS Dry Filter Enclosed Finishing Paint Booth

Performer ES

The Performer ES automotive spray booth was designed and built with the value-minded shop owner in mind.

Front exterior of a GFS Performer ES Paint Booth

Want To Learn More About Cross Draft Paint Booths?

Let us know your product requirements, and we will put you in touch with a distributor in your area.

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