The Dynaprecipitor Water Wash Paint Booth from Global Finishing Solutions® (GFS) handles a larger variety of paints in a wider range of viscosities and drying speeds, at higher production rates than conventional spray booths.
The following features come standard on the Dynaprecipitor Water Wash Booth:
Easy Maintenance | A removable manifold and access door below the fan ensures easy booth maintenance. Hinged-front water curtain allows for easy skimming of coagulated paint particles from the collection pan. Optional automatic centrifugal separators are available. |
Weather Assembly | Dynaprecipitor Water Wash Booths feature a welded washer assembly, constructed of 12- or 14-gauge galvanized steel. The wash chamber works equally well in crossdraft and downdraft configurations. |
Fans & Motors | GFS Water Wash Booths include a tube axial exhaust fan(s) and a three-phase, TEFC, tri-voltage motor(s) with variable pitch pulley. |
Water Level Control | The gap between the water surface and entrainment plate is kept within 1 percent of its optimum dimension. This is accomplished with a float box featuring a water level control unit. Directly connected to the water tank, the float box senses water level changes immediately and accurately. Located outside of the booth, the float box is isolated from contaminating water and spray, and can be easily accessed for inspection and calibration. |
Circulating System | Circulating water forms a continuous, constantly flushed system that has no sediment-accumulating dead ends. The water flow rate can be easily adjusted. |
Construction | Dynaprecipitor Water Wash Booths are constructed with single-skin, 18-gauge, G-90 galvanized steel. Pre-punched booth panels and nut-and-bolt assembly take the guesswork out of installing a water wash paint booth, and provide more structural integrity. With a short depth, Dynaprecipitor Water Wash Booths offer all the advantages of a water wash booth, while occupying a conventional booth space. |
Air is drawn through a continuous curtain of moving water, and suspended paint particles are scrubbed out. |
When air changes direction, centrifugal force slings the solid particles out of the air stream. |
Entrained paint particles are thrown against adjacent walls and curtains. |
Water flushes the particles into the collection pan. |
Air reaching the exhaust stack is free of airborne particles, keeping the stack area cleaner longer. |
GFS guarantees that our products meet or exceed all of the applicable codes related to the equipment. Our engineers regularly follow and contribute to the advancement of codes and standards that affect the industries in which we work. One of our engineers serves on the NFPA Technical Committee on Finishing Processes, a key standard in the finishing industry.
OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
NFPA – National Fire Protection Association |
ETL – Electrical Testing Labs |
EPA – Environmental Protection Agency |
ICC – International Code Council |
GFS Water Wash Spray Booths provide an extremely efficient means for removing paint particles from the exhausted air, and are the most acceptable type of paint booth for all health, fire and building codes. Water Wash Booths are ideal when using large quantities of coatings, usually more than five gallons per day per square foot of face area.
Let us know your product requirements, and we will put you in touch with a distributor in your area.
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